Our Mission

To worship the Lord joyfully

At Christ Church and St. Michael’s, we celebrate the Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 10:30 AM. Our congregation has been told that during the part of the Sunday service known as “The Peace,” we have the most friendly and joyful greetings and exchanges in which we share genuine care and affection for each other in the name of the Lord.

To grow in Christian faith daily

We have a history of Bible study with our rectors and various members. At one time, Bible study was held in parishioners’ homes or in the rectory. We encourage daily Bible study and prayer. Prayers are woven into each large and small group activity. We now hold biblical studies twice a month on Sundays after the service under the guidance of Helen White from the Diocese of Pennsylvania.

To share our blessings openly

Christ Church and St. Michael’s Daughters of the King has an ongoing food drive in which non-perishable goods are collected and donated to a church with a food pantry. We collect coats, clothing and bedding to be donated to a local shelter. Our Episcopal Church Women sponsor a collection of gift cards which goes to the Episcopal Services. Our late rector, The Reverend Jean Mather, served on their board. She began a “Souper Bowl Sunday” which has spread widely to other churches. Those collections go to a dining room for the poor.

To proclaim the Gospel faithfully

Each individual is encouraged to live the Gospel and teachings of Christ in our daily lives by treating our fellow men and women as our beloved brothers and sisters and by sharing our time and talent helping our church and the community.