
Sunday worship services begin at 10:30 am. Led by our musicians Dorothy Cardella, Sandy Goslin, Ed Borgusz, and Valdea Jennings, we sing hymns. We also read the Scriptures, hear Father Gregory Smith’s message, and pray for each other and the world. Communion is celebrated every Sunday. Our calendar will indicate special services during the Advent, Christmas, Lenten, and Easter seasons and at other times during the liturgical year. Children’s Education is available every Sunday.

The Invitation

The table of bread and wine is now made ready.
It is the table of company with Jesus.
It is the table of sharing with the poor of the world,
With whom Jesus identified.
It is the table of communion with the earth,
In which Christ became incarnate.

So come to this table, you who have faith
And you who would like to have more;
You who have been here often
And you who have not been for a long time;
And you who have tried to follow Jesus,
And you who have failed;

It is Jesus who invites us to meet Him here.

-From the Iona Community